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Section: Research Program

Formalization and Certification of Languages, Tools and Systems

Permanent researchers: S. Boldo, A. Charguéraud, C. Marché, G. Melquiond, C. Paulin

Real Numbers, Real Analysis, Probabilities

Formalization of Languages, Semantics

Project-team Positioning

The objective of formalizing languages and algorithms is very general, and it is pursued by several Inria teams. One common trait is the use of the Coq proof assistant for this purpose: Pi.r2 (development of Coq itself and its meta-theory), Gallium (semantics and compilers of programming languages), Marelle (formalization of mathematics), SpecFun (real arithmetic), Celtique (formalization of static analyzers).

Other environments for the formalization of languages include

In the Toccata team, we do not see these alternative environments as competitors, even though, for historical reasons, we are mainly using Coq. Indeed both Isabelle and PVS are available as back-ends of Why3.